Display Entities
Entity Displays
Entity displays are used to display blocks/items/text in the world. You can define multiple properties for the display, such as transformation, billboard mode, shadow etc.
Block Displays
Block displays are used to display blocks in the world. They are created by calling blockDiplay()
Item Displays
Item displays are used to display items in the world. They are created by calling itemDisplay()
Text Displays
Text displays are used to display text in the world. They are created by calling textDisplay()
Transformations are used to modify the translation, left/right rotations and scale of displays. They are created by calling transformation
DSL. You can also apply directly matrix transformations and use quaternions, axis angles or use Euler angles for rotations.
You can convert your display entity into an "interpolable" display entity by calling interpolable()
on it. This will allow you to interpolate between the current transformation and the target transformation in a given time.
I will later add more methods and maybe a complete DSL for making full animations.